Neuropathy Exam

How long will it take? 15 minutes

What will happen?

The Neuropathy Exam is used to assess nerve function (ability to feel; ability to move arms/legs).

  1. You share your medical history and your past and/or current neurological symptoms, like numbness.
  2. You will remove your shoes and socks.
  3. A study nurse will use various tools (such as a tuning fork).

How do I prepare?

Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes that can be easily removed. If you are wearing pants they should be able to roll above the knee.

You will be asked to remove your shoes and socks during the exam.

Will I be told my results?

The Neuropathy Exam is a screening tool to use to better understand how different factors of COVID-19 may uniquely impact individuals. It is not a diagnostic tool and won’t identify a disease, condition, or injury.

It may detect irregularities or potential issues in people who don’t have symptoms of a condition or disease.

If you are concerned about your nerve function, circulation, numbness, and/or pain, please contact your primary care provider. We can also refer you for further evaluation outside of this study.