Lives and livelihoods depend on understanding Long-COVID

Lives and livelihoods depend on understanding Long-COVID
The RECOVER study is designed to help us understand why some people continue to feel sick after having COVID-19 and others don’t. It will also help identify what can be done to speed recovery and even prevent it. Today, doctors don’t know.
Learning faster, together
RECOVER is a national research initiative from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The federal government recognizes the impact of COVID and has asked for an official set of rules to be created to evaluate the long-term symptoms people are reporting.
Illinois is one of 30 study centers nationwide that will develop best practices for people with difficulty recovering from COVID.

Long-COVID is real
Long-COVID is a condition that occurs after getting COVID-19. About 10-30% of people who get COVID-19 do not fully recover. Some people experience symptoms that persist for weeks or months and may come and go. For others, some symptoms go away, and new ones appear.
Progress takes all of us
The RECOVER study in Illinois includes adults who:
have COVID
Have not
Community partners
ILLInet is a network that includes health systems and community-based organizations in Illinois.
Community partners
ILLInet is a network that includes health systems and community-based organizations in Illinois.
“I’ve been doing medical research for over 25 years. The RECOVER study is big! This is new, ambitious, and necessary because Long COVID is a problem.”
Want to stay connected?
ILLInet is not currently enrolling RECOVER participants. However, other Long-COVID studies led by our ILLInet researchers are underway, including treatment trials.
Stay up-to-date on the RECOVER study and Long-COVID enrollment announcements, events, news, and related Long COVID studies.